Meet the athletes

At Mountain Ember Hot Sauce, we craft our sauces for the adventurous spirit and those with a passion for the outdoors. Our sauces are designed to ignite your taste buds and fuel your adventures. We proudly support extreme athletes who push boundaries, just like Mountain Ember Hot Sauce does. Whether you're scaling mountains, hitting the trails, or diving into the unknown, our hot sauces are your perfect companion, adding a fiery kick to your journey. Embrace the heat, conquer the wild, and let Mountain Ember Hot Sauce be your ultimate adventure partner.

Garrett Lepoidevin

Salt Lake City, Utah

Meet Garrett, a Mountain Ember Hot Sauce athlete based in Salt Lake City. An avid rock climber, backcountry snowboarder, and mountain biker, Garrett embodies the adventurous spirit that drives our brand. His relentless pursuit of outdoor thrills and pushing limits is what makes him a perfect ambassador for our fiery hot sauce.

Bailey Kouchakji

His car, anywhere

Meet Bailey, a Mountain Ember Hot Sauce sponsored athlete with a passion for conquering the great outdoors. As an avid rock climber, backcountry skier, and mountaineer, Bailey embodies the adventurous spirit that defines our brand. Living a nomadic lifestyle in his car, he brings the heat and intensity of Mountain Ember Hot Sauce to every peak and slope he tackles.